stupid, stupid song. get out of head! out! out! it's like the seinfeld episode where george gets a song from pirates of penzance stuck in his head. have you ever noticed that i liken everything in real life to either a simpsons or seinfeld episode? do you think it's true that schumann went crazy because he had music stuck in his head that he couldn't get out? i'd hate to have a monkees song drive me insane.
i'm really addicted to shows like junkyard wars and monster garage. you probably wouldn't guess that if you knew me.... i'm not really the car mechanic-type of guy and i'm not like all crazy about power tools. i mean, i fix small stuff on my car, but i'd rather someone fix it who knows what he is doing.
never tried gummi octopi. i am all about some sour gummy bears, though. sour skittles are my favorite, though...but i haven't had any since christmas! oh my. i think it's time for some sour skittles.
haha. so i just typed in and evidently misspelled something because i got redirected to a porn site.
i'm really addicted to shows like junkyard wars and monster garage. you probably wouldn't guess that if you knew me.... i'm not really the car mechanic-type of guy and i'm not like all crazy about power tools. i mean, i fix small stuff on my car, but i'd rather someone fix it who knows what he is doing.
never tried gummi octopi. i am all about some sour gummy bears, though. sour skittles are my favorite, though...but i haven't had any since christmas! oh my. i think it's time for some sour skittles.
haha. so i just typed in and evidently misspelled something because i got redirected to a porn site.
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