fly away

and if I kiss you in the garden, in the moonlight will you pardon me?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

decaffeinated coffee

i have all but given up caffeine. my two primary sources of caffeine were

  1. coffee, and

  2. sweet tea.

i just scaled back on the sweet tea in order to all but eliminate it from my intake. i don't drink much of it now. the coffee was the tough one. i went cold turkey from regular (sometimes excellent freshly ground) coffees to decaffeinated only. who would've thought i could even do it!

the first three days (saturday, sunday, and monday) were fine. it was the following tuesday when the headaches set in. they only lasted at that strength for the day and lessened the next. by thursday, the headaches disappeared....until monday. since then i don't believe i've had a coffee headache. i guess that means that i'm sufficiently off my strong addiction to coffee with probably some minor (not detectable) effects. i still drink just as much coffee, it's just all decaf.

what does this mean as far as how i behave or my body reacts?

  1. when i've been up for 16 hours, the body starts getting sleepy. i mean a 'my eyelids could have rocks strapped to them holding them down' type of sleepy! when i go to sleep, i'm out.

  2. i've started remembering more components of my dreams whereas before i didn't remember any of them.

  3. i'm probably a little less focused. who can do math or work without stimulants?

  4. getting up is easier.

i had some coffee last thursday and stacey observed that i was pretty..."shakey" with energy. so apparently, now my body doesn't cope with too much caffeine quite so well. which is what i want.


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